labyrinth of scorched bones
underneath the starlit sky - Druckversion

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underneath the starlit sky - Nouzin Petzeiros - 05.04.2024

Your heart's light. Something you didn't expect. Not to this degree. You've been aware of how much your triumph over the goblins would mean to the people. Especially the tieflings. But to be here and to see it with your own two eyes - your heart's as light as a feather.

Or maybe it's the mead.

You place your lips to your cup when you notice someone tall moving through a group of tieflings. Halsin. He has arrived.
You were eager for his arrival. Hoping that he'd join you for your celebrations. In parts because you've talked to your companions and agreed on asking Halsin about his studies. After all there's still this tadpole problem. One that didn't get solved with ending the goblins reign over the territory.
But in other parts it's something entirely else that made you hope he'd make an appearance. Something about him.

You empty your cup of mead before placing it on a table. Walking over to him while outmaneuvering a pair of drunk tieflings almost crashing into you. A sorry smile on your lips that turns into a friendly one once you're in front of him.

I had hoped you'd bless us with your presence tonight.

As a heartfelt welcome from the camp of course.